Christian Life

A new blog is borne

Wed, 11/10/2006 - 17:02 -- James Oakley

I'd like to welcome my friend James Gould to the blogosphere.

James has just started a degree in Biblical Studies at Sheffield, having done a youth-work year-out with us last year. He's concerned to end his degree loving God more than when he began.

So, rather than e-mail all his friends separately with every issue his course raises, he thought he'd start a blog and ask his questions where we can all find them. To start with, they're a bunch of OT questions, often Pentateuch ones.

Welcome, James. And if any readers of this blog ever fancy peaking at his and posting him the odd comment by way of reply - I know he'd be grateful.

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Beware of Advent Books

Mon, 02/10/2006 - 16:18 -- James Oakley
Seventh Day Adventists

One of the members of our church gave me an A5 piece of paper a few weeks ago. A copy of this had gone through the letter box of every house on his estate, and he wanted to know more about it.

The sheet came from an organisation called “Advent Books”, and invited the reader to send off for a free book entitled The Great Controversy and/or to sign up for a free postal Bible course.

The Great Controversy

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Perkins categories of hearer

Wed, 27/09/2006 - 16:28 -- James Oakley

I’m always trying to find these. So to save me hunting, I’ll put them somewhere.

(William Perkins, chapter 7 of The Art of Prophesying, entitled “Use and Application”)

What do I notice when I read what Perkins is actually saying (as opposed to what people imagine him to be saying)? He’s saying:

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