
Sorry - authentication required for commenting

Wed, 04/04/2007 - 10:41 -- James Oakley

Sorry everyone

I've just had to delete 280 spam comments, going back only a week or so. MovableType has an excellent junk comment filter - 280 comments got caught and marked as junk, and I only got notified by e-mail of 10 comments that were spam. Still - I have to glance down the junk comment list to make sure I've not deleted a genuine comment.

So, hate to do it, but I've had to go to authenticated-only commenting.

Movable Type (of which this blog is an instance) uses TypeKey for this. All you do is create a TypeKey account. You then sign in and have the option to stay signed in for a fortnight. You're then allowed to comment again. As a bonus, you only have to type your name once.

Sorry about that - I'll look into introducing some human-only security feature to weed out the spambots, then I should be able to go allow anonymous comments again.

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Smart Tags in Word

Wed, 22/11/2006 - 10:44 -- James Oakley

You have to love Microsoft Word’s “smart tags” feature.

Screenshot of the Smart Tags feature in operation

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