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Is there an evangelical theological method

Fri, 25/03/2022 - 15:46 -- James Oakley
Shadow of cross over an open Bible

Recently, someone asked my advice. They had been asked to present a one hour session on how evangelicals do theology.

It's not hard to think of things to say if someone asked about the content of evangelical theology. We'd talk about our distinctive doctrine of Scripture, of sin, of the atonement, of judgement and so on. There are particular hallmarks that have arisen over the centuries that mark out what evangelicals do when it comes to theology.

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Coming to church: Set your watch

Sat, 19/03/2022 - 20:23 -- James Oakley

Most Christians have weeks when it's hard work to discipline themselves to get up and worship with their church family on a Sunday.

I love these words from Robert Murray McCheyne, written in 1836, that quaintly and yet compellingly encourage us to make the effort.

If this struggle is you, let me encourage you: Come, and callibrate your watch!

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