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Idle Evangelicals

Thu, 25/09/2008 - 21:17 -- James Oakley

I keep finding things written by Christopher Idle at the moment. It's purely co-incidence: Looking for something unrelated and stumble upon it. First some comments on the poem Death is Nothing at all, and now this.

Idle wrote a short article in New Directions magazine. I'm not particularly wanting to endorse or plug the publication – I've never seen a copy – I stumbled upon his article online.

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Psalms and the Lord's Prayer

Wed, 24/09/2008 - 15:41 -- James Oakley

How do we pray the Psalms as new covenant Christians? What difference does it make that they have been prayed before — now not just by king David but by king Jesus?

Is there any mileage in seeing the Lord's Prayer as a key part of this answer?

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What's a maths syllabus?

Fri, 19/09/2008 - 10:03 -- James Oakley

Those who were in my A-level maths class at school had the pleasure of being taught by a delightful teacher, who pretended not to didn't know what was on the syllabus. We were taught maths, and at some point he had a quick peak at the syllabus to check we were ready for the exams.

How heart-warming to read the BBC News headline: Too much maths 'taught to test'.

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Mon, 01/09/2008 - 09:00 -- James Oakley

Back in May, we had some great moments on our CME weekend on preaching, led by Pete Wilcox, Canon Chancellor at Lichfield Cathedral. I have been meaning to blog these thoughts on lectionaries for some time, but somehow never got around to it. Anyway, finally, …

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