Luke 21

Luke 21:5-38, sermon 3 of 3, as given

Sun, 02/12/2007 - 10:45 -- James Oakley

I was working for some time on what I would say in the final sermon in the series on Luke 21. A change of circumstances in our church family meant that what I originally planned no longer seemed to be the right sermon for the occasion. So here is what was eventually preached…

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Luke 21:5-38, draft of sermon 3 of 3 but never delivered

Sun, 02/12/2007 - 10:45 -- James Oakley

I was working for some time on what I would say in the final sermon in the series on Luke 21. A change of circumstances in our church family meant it no longer seemed to me that this was the right sermon for the occasion. As the title indicates – this is a draft. A little rough at the edges, no doubt. But nevertheless, what I was planning to say develops further implications of Luke 21 for life today that people may be interested to chase up at a future date. So draft though it is, never delivered though it was,... here it is for what it’s worth.


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Luke 21:5-38, sermon 2 of 3

Sun, 18/11/2007 - 10:45 -- James Oakley

Note: handout for this sermon is at the bottom of the webpage as an attachment


Do you ever read bits of the Bible and wonder what possible relevance they have for today? Two weeks ago, I suspect I turned Luke 21 into one of those bits of the Bible for quite a few of us. You’ll remember how I told my story, how I used to see this as a chapter all about the second coming of Jesus, and therefore bristling with relevance. But how careful study had changed my mind, such that I now think it is about something far more specific. And in taking this passage away as a passage about the second coming, there’s a danger that we also take it away as a passage that has relevance for today. What I want to do this morning is give the passage back to us. It may not be about the second coming, but it still has so much to say to us.

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Luke 21:5-38, sermon 1 of 3

Sun, 04/11/2007 - 10:45 -- James Oakley

Note: handout for this sermon is at the bottom of the webpage as an attachment


The Future Return of Jesus

I don’t know about you but I am really looking forward to the day when Jesus comes back. He has promised that one day he will return to this world in person and every human being will hear his voice. When that happens everyone who has died, whatever point in history they lived, whichever part of the world they occupied, will hear his voice and come out of their graves.

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