OT Sermons

1 Kings 2:1-12 Securing the Kingdom

Sun, 08/06/2014 - 10:30 -- James Oakley

In a moment, we’ll have our reading from 1 Kings chapter 2.

I thought before we do, I’d give you a bit of the background to it. Various characters from King David’s past pop up in the reading. We’ll understand the story a lot better if we’re up to speed on who these people are, and how they featured in David’s life before this point.

Perhaps if you turn to 1 Kings 2, page 336, that would help.

We meet 3 main people here.

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1 Samuel 31 The Disaster of a Bad Leader

Sun, 25/05/2014 - 10:30 -- James Oakley

This was election week. We got to vote for our MEPs. From time to time we have to choose our leaders. Members of Parliament. Councillors. Churches have to choose leaders – choosing the next vicar, who’s on the PCC, and so on.

Many of us also get to be leaders. Leaders at work. Leaders at home. Leaders in the church.

We all know that there are good and bad leaders.

1 Samuel chapter 31 brings to a close the story of the first king of Israel, King Saul. And what we see here is that it’s disastrous for people if they have a leader like him.

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1 Samuel 3 A Voice in the Dark

Sun, 11/05/2014 - 10:30 -- James Oakley

It’s hard to imagine living in the dark ages.

For many of us, it’s hard to imagine living before 1990. No internet. Never mind life before 1960. Cars a luxury. Never mind life before the war.

Far worse than living in the technological dark age is to live in the moral dark age. In a society without law and order. Everyone just looks after themselves. Nothing is sacred. Total anarchy. And you live in fear.

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Deuteronomy 6:1-15 Loving the One and Only

Sun, 30/03/2014 - 10:00 -- James Oakley

Where would you like to be 5 years from now? Next question: If I had asked you that 5 years ago, is this where you thought you’d be?

They’re great job interview questions. But they’re also great questions to ask ourselves about our whole lives.

Some people here are just starting out as Christians. Those 4 who were confirmed a few weeks back. And a number of others. Where will your life be in 5 years’ time?

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Numbers 30 Breakable Vows

Sun, 23/03/2014 - 10:30 -- James Oakley

Do you think you should be more committed to the church or less?

I’m sure many of you would expect me to say that you should be more committed to the church. Come more regularly. Give more money. Offer more of your time. And so on.

I’m going to surprise you this morning by saying that, for at least for some of us, we should give less. Do less. Come less often.

That’s probably not what you’d expect the vicar to say. It’s not something I’m planning to say frequently. But today’s Bible passage takes us exactly there.

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Numbers 17 Authenticating the True Priest

Sun, 16/03/2014 - 10:30 -- James Oakley

In our day and age you’re allowed to talk about Jesus. But what you’re not allowed to do is talk about him in any kind of exclusive way. To suggest other religions are wrong. To suggest he’s the only way to God. Those kinds of claims really stick in people’s throats today. They’re too hard to swallow.

A couple of weeks back I was talking to someone who doesn’t come to church. She explained that all religions are basically the same. They’re just wearing different clothes.

I guess that’s what a lot of people think today.

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Leviticus 13 Leprosy

Wed, 26/02/2014 - 10:30 -- James Oakley

It’s never pleasant to be ostracised. To have your family, your friends, your village turn their back on you. Decide they don’t want to know you.

I’ve heard stories of it happening in villages like this. Someone breaks some unwritten rule about how to belong to the community. Everyone doesn’t ignore them. But people who used to stop and chat no longer do. And you feel the cold shoulder.

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Exodus 28 Our Great High Priest

Sun, 09/02/2014 - 10:30 -- James Oakley

Would you say you’re close to God, or distant from him? Is he close to you, or is he somewhere far away.

This matters. Assuming there is a God. He’s powerful. He’s personal. He can do anything he chooses. You’d want to know him. Be close to him. Know that you’re in his good books.

And to be sure of that, we have to know what he’s like.

I want us to steer a path between two very common misconceptions of God.

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Genesis 50:15-26 A Good Disaster

Sun, 26/01/2014 - 10:30 -- James Oakley

I don’t know which is harder – to have life going well, or to have lots of difficulties. I’d rather life was good. Of course I would. But I don’t know which makes it harder to follow Jesus. Harder to live for God’s purposes. Harder to trust God’s promises.

If life is tough, God can seem so distant. How do we trust a God who doesn’t do anything about the problems we’re facing? If life is good, God can seem unnecessary. Why do we need to trust God, if life seems to take care of itself, and God’s already given us what we need.

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Genesis 37:1-11 Two Dreams and a Coat

Sun, 19/01/2014 - 10:30 -- James Oakley

Have you ever felt that God might have some great plans for your life? Ways he could use you to bring blessing to others. If it wasn’t for the fact it’s you we’re talking about.

I know I’ve felt that way at times. Mistakes made. Character flaws. Bad habits I can’t kick. I’m sure God could have used me. But somehow I disqualify myself.

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