John 17

John 17:6-19 Part 3: Sent by Jesus

Sun, 29/10/2017 - 10:00 -- James Oakley

This is the most important service we hold each year – our quarterly combined services. It’s such a precious thing to come all together, to worship God as one church. There are good reasons why we don’t do it every week, but it’s vital that we come together, once in a while.

Indeed, the two PCCs have been going through the process of formally merging our two parishes. It is increasingly the case that our two churches work together in partnership, so we’re cementing that partnership for the generations to come. That’s a really good thing to be doing.

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John 17:6-19 Part 1: Given to Jesus

Sun, 30/04/2017 - 10:00 -- James Oakley

A united church is a wonderful thing.

It’s one reason why I get us all together like this at least 4 times a year. So we can enjoy not being Kemsing 9.15, Kemsing 10.30 and Woodlands, but worshipping together, being one.

For a congregation to be united is a wonderful thing. For a pair of local churches to be united is a wonderful thing.

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John 17:1-5 Part 3: The Glory of Jesus

Sun, 29/01/2017 - 10:00 -- James Oakley

It’s easy to think that Jesus of Nazareth is fairly unimpressive.

To the unbeliever, he was a man who taught some great things, maybe did some miracles, but whose life was tragically cut short. He didn’t know how to play politics, so his enemies caught up with him.

Even for we Christians. We love Jesus, but it’s hard to feel we do him justice. There must be more to him than it sometimes feels there is.

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John 17:1-5 Part 2: The Gift of Jesus

Sun, 30/10/2016 - 10:00 -- James Oakley

Which of us is not drawn by the desire to be fully alive? To experience life to the full? Not to be missing out on the best that life has to offer?

We all want it. It’s why people party. Take exotic holidays. Climb to the top of the mountain. Swim to the bottom of the ocean. We all want life, with a capital L.

For our combined services we’ve started looking together at one chapter of the Bible, John chapter 17. We only join together like this 4 times a year, and I think we’ll be in this chapter for some time.

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