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James Oakley's picture
Submitted by James Oakley on

The JW's remark was on men who make mistakes, that is all of us. Your comment moved on to ask about women who are mistreated by their husbands, which is a more particular concern, and then moved on further still to ask about abused women, which is a tighter subgroup again. Re-reading that chapter of WDTBRT, it doesn't seem to me that they are addressing the question of abuse. So, no, I wasn't saying that it is biblical to allow the abuse of women.

As I said earlier on, I was not assenting with every statement in that chapter, but rather saying this is a chapter that I don't have major issues with. Your comment prompted me to re-read it, and the silence on the question of abuse is one matter that does concern me. (There is anecdotal evidence out there (for what it's worth) that suggests we would be right to be concerned about silence at this point.) Talking about separation and divorce, page 139 reads: "Only fornication by one of the marriage mates provides Scriptural grounds for divorce." Without wanting to get into an extended discussion on divorce, Exodus 21:10-11 leads me to believe that abuse is also legitimate grounds.

So this chapter contains comparatively little to disagree with. But that's not to say that everything in the chapter is biblical, and you've put your finger on one such issue

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