James's Weblog

Hymn tunes and meters

Mon, 07/12/2009 - 08:59 -- James Oakley

I recently received an e-mail asking about how you work out what the "meter" for a hymn is, and how you go about finding a tune that fits the words of a particular hymn.

In case my reply helps anybody else, here's what I said:

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Majoring on the Minors

Sat, 05/12/2009 - 22:13 -- James Oakley

Doug Wilson says some very helpful things about getting major issues and minor issues the right way around in theology.

Specifically, how sad – and how serious – when people take a minor issue (one on which we may quite respectably agree to disagree) and turn it into a major issue (one on which we do not have the latitude to disagree). As Wilson argues, at that point the issue has to become a major one on both sides. It is a major issue to mis-classify a minor issue as major.

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The Purpose of Philippians

Tue, 24/11/2009 - 12:04 -- James Oakley

I'm greatly enjoying spending some time in Paul's letter to the Philippians, in preparation for the first of our new quarterly combined services. The two churches (Kemsing and Woodlands) will come together for a shared Communion service 4 times a year. I am really looking forward to the occasion. In many respects, the two churches are very different. However the riches we share in Christ are many, and this quarterly celebration will be the chance to rejoice in that and to commit afresh to serving together in holding out the word of Christ.

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Studying the Word of God

Thu, 22/10/2009 - 10:45 -- James Oakley

Wayne Grudem is very helpful in his Systematic Theology on what we mean when we refer to "the word of God".

He points out on pages 47-48 that "the word of God" can refer, in Scripture, to the Son of God, Jesus Christ. It can also refer to God's speech in 4 forms: 1. His decrees; 2. His words of personal address; 3. His speech through human lips, and 4. His words in written form, for us the Bible.

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Hairy goats

Tue, 22/09/2009 - 14:37 -- James Oakley

Peter Leithart makes a wonderful observation about Jacob, Esau and Joseph.

He says this:

Esau is a “hairy man” (sa’iyr), something we learn only when Jacob dresses himself in goat hair to approach his father (Genesis 27:11, 23). Jacob becomes a hairy one, subbing in for his brother. The only other use of the word in Genesis is in 37:31, where it describes the “kid” killed to fool into thinking that Joseph has died. Both passages involve substitution, and both involve deception of a father.

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1 Samuel 25 seems to be very important

Tue, 15/09/2009 - 09:48 -- James Oakley

I think this has struck me before. Re-reading 1 Samuel, we find that:

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